CHAP Launches Provider Quality Snapshot Datasheets
CHAP is invested in helping our partners continuously improve their performance and quality of care provision and we are excited to introduce our Quality Snapshot Datasheets as a new quality resource. Regulations require home health and hospice providers to collect and submit quality data to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The data is then publicly reported on Medicare Care Compare so healthcare consumers can use it to select a care provider. Home health and hospice quality data are refreshed four times annually.
Purpose of the provider Quality Snapshot Datasheet
CHAP asserts that quality data is a crucial information source for healthcare providers to optimize organizational processes and enhance care delivery to patients and their families. CMS also requires surveyors to review publicly reported quality data as a pre-survey task for home health and hospice surveys. Therefore, we developed Quality Snapshot Datasheets that contain an organization’s quality data for one quarter in one document to help providers with performance improvement and for CHAP Site Visitor pre-survey work and use during a site visit. The data sheet provides a site visitor with the provider’s quality data in one document that can be utilized:
- As an indicator of quality and performance gaps that can be explored as part of the site visit
- To connect the dots between the Conditions of Participation compliance and determining the quality-of-care provision by an organization to its patients
- As a teaching tool during a site visit
CHAP will upload our first set of Quality Snapshot Datasheets to CHAP LinQ in January 2025 for our home health partners. As CMS refreshes quality data for home health and hospice providers, new Quality Snapshot Datasheets will be added to your CAHP LinQ. The home health quality data refreshes occur in January, April, July, and October. The hospice quality data refreshes occur in February, May, August, and November. CHAP will announce Quality Snapshot Datasheets LinQ updates in our Compliance Monitor.
Access the tutorial we created for you to find and download your Quality Snapshot Datasheets in LinQ.